Friday, January 13, 2012

The best time to think about going GREEN is when it's WHITE out!

I was just outside shoveling some snow when it occurred to me the oxymoron in colors.  At least in my part of the world the concept of "going green" and it's literal counterpart to snow are backwards.  I am making no sense what so ever, right?  Let me explain.
I live in northern Pennsylvania and our major energy concerns are heating first followed by electric.  Our A/C season is relatively short and for the most part we don't spend a lot of energy on it.  So, as it works out, when we go GREEN we save the most while it's WHITE out.  These cold blustery days are burning up foreign oil faster than I can count. 
So, I wondered how many people sit and look at all that white and say "I sure wish I had gone GREEN this year".  I'll bet very few.  You see, when it is Green out we just don't think about all the money we could save with that new Geothermal Heating System or how that new solar panel would help with all those Christmas lights.
So, next summer when it is all Green out think about going GREEN.  Or this winter when it's all white out think about going White or umm Green or....wait, now I'm confused.  Well, you get the idea.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What is Geothermal Heating?

this lens' photo

What is Geothermal Heating?

There is a long answer to this question and a short answer. I could spend days and countless pages going into the description of the complicated process of refrigerant gasses boiling, and heat energy being transferred through this process. So, for now let's go with the short answer.

Geothermal Heating is the process of transferring heat from one place to another. It is done through a machine called a Ground Source Heat Pump. To understand this lets look at the Heat Pump in your kitchen. Yes, there is a Heat Pump in your Kitchen. You call it a refrigerator. Have you ever wondered why the back of your fridge is warm? It's simple really. Your heat pump, A.K.A. fridge, has just pumped the heat out of that beverage pack that you just put in there. So, you put 6 seventy degree beverages in your fridge and it "pumped" the heat out of them until they were forty degrees. Those extra degrees went out the back of the fridge. Voila, heat, pumped into your house. Now those 6 beverages only have so much heat in them. Your kitchen heat pump has the heat out in a few hours. So that wouldn't be enough to heat your whole house. So where can you get more heat?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Like most of us you use electricity supplied by power supply companies.  I have no doubt you are in pain, because these electric companies can't empty your wallet fast enough.   Now more than ever you must look for other means if you really want to beat the electric company giants. Among these other means you have to choose the best alternative to reduce the cost. In general we have the following alternatives: solar panels, windmills and magnetic generators.