You Can Build Your Own Wind Turbine

Wind Turbine : How to make HomeMade Wind Turbine

Need for Wind Turbines :  So, you're looking into building home wind turbines and it's brought you here. There are some great wind turbine do it yourself books that talk about hand carving blades out of wood and how to make your own generator from scratch. This includes even winding your own coils, welding , etc. But still, this is cheap but not very simple. Not simple at all. I will teach you how to make it simple.

I believe there is too much waste in the world right now. I love the concept of taking something labeled as "junk" and making it new again. I hate to see batteries go to scrap when it is easy to get some more life out of them. Imagine all that lead and sulfuric acid has to go somewhere and I'm always afraid it will impact the environment or the water supply.

I wrote this book for the thrifty person and the "recycler". Someone who wants to get started into resinential wind power and not break the bank in the process. Someone who hates to see scrap sit around and go to waste. Someone who wants to become independent from the grid and help the environment. Some people even buy this book so they can refurbish forklift batteries as a business. Imagine getting a free forklift battery that normally costs $4000 new. You recondition it in 30 days and sell it locally for $1500. Some people even take the individual cells out of the forklift batteries to sell seperately. A single cell can cost $400 or more. But you could sell them for $100 each and make huge profits. People need 6 of them, at least, to make 12 volts. And, the best part, you don't even need a truck to do it. I'll show you how to have the batteries dropped off and picked up.

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